
** NEW THIS YEAR: In lieu of a dinner reception there will be a designated location to meet after golf has concluded **


Pioneer Creek Golf Club

September 15th, 2023 | 2:00 pm Shotgun Start

For questions, please contact EMGfund13@gmail.com



For those of us who had the privilege of knowing Evan, we know that he infused everything he did with fun and humor. Golf was no different! A bit bored by the conventional approach to golfing, one summer day, while out for a round with friends, Evan proposed a new set of rules to "spice it up a bit". Evan's version encouraged severe heckling of the opposition. He also, probably hungry and toting only change in his pockets, proposed a wager of massive proportions, any item on the Culvers menu could be wagered at each hole. Rest assured, Evan always knew whom to partner with and usually walked away with at least a double cheeseburger, fries and a shake.


After Evan's passing in October 2002, the first Evan Guillaume Memorial Golf Tournament was held in July 2003. Due to its great success, the event has become a fan favorite bringing people together to play "Guillaume style" for the past twenty years.


"One of the kids came up to me with the biggest grin of pride on his face. He slowly raised his dirty and cut hands up to me. They were cupped and in them was a little, shiny lead ball.

He whispered in my ear, "Te gusta?" (Do you like?) 

I replied, "Si!" 

This simple conversation has meant more to me than any conversation in my life."

- Evan Guillaume, Summer 2000. NPH Cuernavaca